Full-immersion Larp

What is a full-immersion larp?

The term "full-immersion larp" was coined by SIF Games to express a complex, dramatic larp without an upper limit on physical intimacy. The aim is to offer a closer-to-reality alternative to mechanisms and meta-techniques that larps often use to portray sexual activity (off-game conversations about "what actually happened", massages, Ars Amandi) with the real thing, or as close to it as possible per player boundaries, to try to maximize larper immersion.

Wait, is this just an excuse for a larper orgy?

Nope! These larps have no upper boundary on intimacy but remains a modern larp and we are genuinely excited about the settings, the plots, and the characters. The concept only removes a maximum boundary, however, it is never a requirement: every player makes their own choices as to what activities they would like to be involved in, to what extent, and with whom, and may change their minds or revoke consent going forward at any time. As a full-immersion larp bears greater risks signup, casting, and safety considerations are also increased to make sure all players come away from the larp with the experience they were expecting and consented to and concerns can be handled as soon as they arise.

Is a full-immersion larp for you?

It might not be, and that is fine -- we still hope to see you at our other games not marked "full-immersion"! If you have questions or aren't sure if it's something for you, please reach out to us here.

All players must understand that:

  • There may -- but not will or must -- be the opportunity for sexual contact with other players; there will never be a storyline where sexual activity is required to move the story along and less immersive options (e.g. simulation) will also always be possible
  • They must always act with consideration and care for themselves and others
  • Above all, "no" (or its equivalent safeword in-game) is a complete sentence and must be respected without question

We welcome all open-minded, sex-positive players with a genuine interest in our full-immersion larps and the experiences they can have there!

SIF Games Standard Safety Guidelines

These are the standard safety guidelines used as reference for our games; note that some games may use something else or a variation of these, which will be clearly noted on the game page. When it comes to safety, we stand by these core principles:

  • At no point may any player be forced, coerced or otherwise manipulated to engage in any conversation or activity they do not wish to take part in.
  • Participating in one of our larps comes with no obligation to do anything with anyone else, but does come with the obligation to express one's own boundaries and respect those expressed by others.
  • No player may be discriminated against or insulted for their gender, age, race, body type, or sexual orientation and identity.

We expect all our players to be responsible for themselves and each other. On the one hand, this means that escalation should be slow (e.g. bullet-time consent) to allow the other party to opt out at any time either by in-game means or by using safewords. On the other hand, we also expect our players to think about their own boundaries, make use of the safewords when they need to, and do their best to proactively avoid and resolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Any player found to be disregarding safewords and/or engaging with other players against their wishes will be immediately removed from the larp and, depending on the severity of the infraction, law enforcement may be involved.

An off-game safe room will be available for the duration of the game for players who need a break at any time. Organizers and other safety persons will be pointed out in the workshops and easily identifiable throughout the game to provide help at any time.


At any point in the game, during any activity, a player can use the following safewords (either alone or included quite obviously within a sentence) or hand signals to control game intensity. If for some reason a player will be unable to use either the safewords or a hand signal in a given situation, the players involved must talk off-game to find an alternative prior to beginning the scene.

"Is that all?" / "green"
To indicate that you are willing to increase the intensity of your scene. This is an invitation to the other player(s), they are not obliged to escalate.

Hand signal: thumbs up

"Slow down" / "yellow"
When the intensity of the current scene is hitting your boundary. The other player(s) must de-escalate (typically to the level before their last action), but the scene may continue in general.

Hand signal: double-tap with your hand on any non-intimate part of your or the other player's body (arm, back, etc.)

"That's enough" / "red"
To end your participation in a scene completely and immediately. The other player(s) must stop engaging with you in the scene and physically separate if applicable and you should leave the area if you feel uncomfortable; the other player(s) must not follow you.

Hand signal: continuous tapping with your hand on any non-intimate part of your or the other player's body (arm, back, etc.) until players separate.

"Emergency Game Stop!"
Used to stop the whole game completely for every player for any sort of emergency or dangerous situation (e.g. fire or injury) until it can be handled by the organizers. All players must stop what they are doing, get to safety immediately if necessary, and find an organizer.

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