Behind the Curtain

A Nordic chamber larp about community and sex work


All players will be depicting a companion and each character has been intentionally based on a sex worker stereotype. While players receive more details before the game, they are encouraged to make the character their own. Before coming to the game, please read through this list and choose two characters you’d most like to play.

The term “companion” is a polite one: depending on who refers to your character, you could just as easily be referred to as hooker, prostitute, sex worker, whore, escort, or streetwalker, no matter how inaccurate some of those terms may be for what you do. Your character may have very strong opinions about what they’re called, but you, the player, will decide what those opinions are.

All characters may be depicted by players of any gender and players freely choose the name, gender and pronouns, and sexuality of their character. You’ll receive your full character sheet shortly before the game. 

The game is managed by a Game Master who also plays an NPC, the Madam (a gender-neutral honorific).

Only public profiles are listed here; full, nontransparent profiles are available in the game files (see here).

The Happy Hooker

They love their job and couldn’t imagine ever doing anything else! The most experienced, they love giving advice and support, but this attitude definitely rubs some of the others the wrong way – especially those struggling with the work. They’re not making as much money as they did when they were younger and have started wondering: should they go more niche, which they do not enjoy, or get out of the business and… do what?

The Brown-noser

They want nothing more than to take over the Lily and suck up to the Madam at every opportunity, immediately reporting any hint of insubordination, resulting in the offender being stuck giving freebies or with the least desirable clients. Will their colleagues finally decide to hold them accountable for their toxicity?

The Miserable Wretch

They couldn’t say which is worse, their home life or their work life, but either way, something’s gotta give. They need to put on a brave face, though, because the Madam has threatened to fire them if there is one more customer complaint. If that happens, how would they manage?

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

Raised by someone who was also a sex worker, it was their only real option once they needed to support themselves. They’ve gone through the wringer and have been trying to get out for a while, but have no other work experience and can’t tell a prospective employer what they’ve been doing for the past five years. Will they find a way out or give up hoping?

The Investor

They’ve been working for a long time and have built up quite a nest egg. They enjoy their job and status quo and so are undecided what to do with it. Several investment opportunities have presented themselves, but do they even want to transition to something new?

The Girlfriend

Famous for their “girlfriend experience”, a service more about comfort and empathy than sex, they enjoy their job considerably. Recently, they found themselves a new partner – who doesn’t want them working at the Lily anymore and has offered to financially support them instead. Will they convince themselves to be financially dependent on someone else or decide to break up?

The Responsible

The eldest of four, their parents were imprisoned a few years ago and left them in charge of their siblings with no end in sight… at least not for another eight years. They gave up their dreams in order to keep their family together and out of foster care. They rarely let it show, but the stress of parentification and the fear of being shamed for their work is really getting to them.

The Practical

Although a well-paying one, prostitution is a job just like any other for them and they don’t seem to need the social support craved by the other companions. After having resisted the community feeling for a long time, they’re faced with a new crisis and find themselves in need of a friend. Who will they open up to? What will they do about the new major hurdle in their life?

The Sweetheart

They’re madly in love with their fiancé/e, The Flamboyant, and can’t wait to get married; it’s all they talk about! After a short honeymoon, they plan to come back to the Lily and keep working as before. The pair specialize in duo dates (two-on-one) and The Sweetheart sometimes even offers discounts to get to work with their fiancé/e.

The Flamboyant

They’re engaged to be married to The Sweetheart, but recently heard something from a client that has thrown them into doubt. They’re no longer sure they want to get married, at least not with things as they are. They’ll have to decide soon, though, because the wedding is next week. In the meantime, they’re trying to get to the bottom of the rumor without making it too obvious.

The Madam (GM)

After many years working as a companion, they saved up enough to buy the Gilded Lily and have run it for almost twenty years. Now it’s time they retired to enjoy their hard-gotten gains. The title “Madam” is an honorific used by all brothel managers and the GM will decide what kind of Madam they wish to portray.

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