Behind the Curtain

A Nordic chamber larp about community and sex work


This game includes themes which may be triggering for some players, specifically sex work, frank discussions about sexual activity and fetishes, and dishonesty; some characters will have histories of sexual or other abuse, homelessness, addiction, and abortion. Characters will talk openly about the bodies of their clients. Some dates involve kinks and fetishes, drug (ab)use, sexual assault, and transphobia. It will be possible to opt out of any conversation or date at any time. If there are any particular topics listed or not listed here that you wish to avoid, discuss these with your GM before the game begins so they can ensure a safe and satisfying experience for everyone.

During the game, players can communicate with the GM at any time by asking them to step into the off-game space. Escalation of play should be slow, using bullet-time consent, and opting out is always possible with the Rule of Feet (walking away from that conversation or stepping into the off-game space) or with double-tap. Double-tap is used by tapping one’s hand twice somewhere obvious on their own body or by saying “double-tap”. When double-tap is used, the situation should be immediately de-escalated.

The GM also serves as the safety person if you need someone to talk to and they can help you align with other players if you need to calibrate with them before or during the game. If you however feel the need to leave the game for whatever reason, that is completely fine – you, the player, come first!

Expressing your boundaries and escalating mindfully makes play better and safer for you and everyone else, so please use safewords!

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