Coming back to Haunt

A virtual content larp for 12 players


This game may include the following triggers: loneliness, depression, and suicide; pregnancy and abortion; state-sanctioned murder; embezzlement and state corruption. If these are topics you aren’t ok with playing around, this is probably not the game for you. If there are any other topics that are triggering for you, please contact your GM before the game to learn how they can accommodate you.

During the game, there will be a dedicated off-game chat channel for communicating with the GM. You always have the option of opting out of a conversation in the chat by writing “XXX” in the chat, on video by making an X with your forearms over your face, or simply by closing your video feed and mic and walking away for a breather. If you feel the need to leave the game for whatever reason, that is completely fine – you, the player, come first! Please inform your GM before you go so they know it’s not a technical issue.

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