Coming back to Haunt

A virtual content larp for 12 players


Coming back to Haunt is a nontransparent virtual content larp for 12 players led by a game master (GM) playing an NPC. The GM keeps time and provides additional information through the course of the game. The game lasts around six hours including workshops and preparation and play is divided over three videoconferencing channels utilizing video, voice, and chat functionalities, with an additional channel for off-game communication.

Game play runs over the four hours before the Blue-Black Phantom docks at Proxima Centauri, commencing after contact between the Comms Officer (Base) and the First Mate (Ship) has been established and the full alert on the Base has been stood down. Communication between the Base and the Phantom takes place on a single channel and is accessible to only a single person from either side at a time due to the technological mismatch between the ship and the Base.

Otherwise, the remaining crew of the Phantom communicate with each other from within their cryo tubes where they are very gradually reviving from cryosleep, drifting in and out (indicated by turning their video and mic off and on as the players wish). Personnel on Proxima Centauri Base communicate with each other in between traveling to the spaceport and may need to leave the call depending on signal availability or to make or take other calls (also indicated by turning their video and mic off and on). All characters may also choose to leave their group calls out of frustration or to avoid conversations. There are two parallel video call spaces with full chat functionality, one for the Base, one for the Crew, for play; each is limited to the players in that group. Chat within the entire group is possible at any time.

To ensure plotlines develop naturally and for characters to make and break confidences and alliances, players should not spend the entirety of the game on camera, instead dropping in and out when it feels right. It may be that one of the spaces has only one person in it, rambling or ranting to themselves, or all six, arguing over each other about what to do next. Players can also “ping” their fellows in the group chat (“Wake up, already!” or “Are you still changing trains?” for the respective groups) to invite them to come back if they want to discuss something or start some drama. While players can essentially always see and hear what happens in the group call, the characters do not if they are off camera.


The larp is expected to last around six hours including pre-game workshops and a post-game debrief. The game itself comprises four acts, each approximately an hour long and including the selection and transmission of a single message from the deceased Crew. If you need to step away from your screen, please let your GM know via private chat and don’t be afraid to ask for a break if you need one!

Check mic and video functionality (15 minutes)
Pre-game workshops (1 hour)
5-10 min break
Act 1 (1 hour)
Act 2 (1 hour)
5-10 min break
Act 3 (1 hour)
Act 4 (1 hour)
5-10 min break
Post-game debrief

Information about upcoming runs can be found on the Signup page.

Costume and Immersion

Costume and background are not the most important things, but can add to the general experience. Consider using a suitable background for your video feed (if possible) or simply ensure you are against a neutral or interesting wall. Make sure you also have what you need during the game in terms of water (a hydration bladder is great for this) and some immersive snacks like meal shakes and protein bars.

The Crew are all still within their individual cryo tubes drifting in and out of consciousness as various chemicals are pumped into their bloodstreams to revive them. Players should dress in simple clothes, ideally skintight and/or with a lot of bare skin (however: please do not simply be naked on camera). Settle yourself in a chair with a headrest if possible to simulate being relaxed in a tube. Things like a nasal cannula or some IV-style tubing you’d like to run under your clothes or tape to yourself are all great ways to complete the look but definitely not required. 

This larp takes place in a futuristic world where video calls and chat are the most common way to communicate when not in person (so different from today!). Base personnel are therefore free to wear whatever they feel fits with their character; as many of them have been woken up in the middle of the night, they might have dressed frantically and not look their best. The Comms Officer and Medic might be dressed more professionally as they’ve been on duty: a practical jumpsuit or neutral uniform for the former and scrubs for the latter would not be out of place. Sci-fi accoutrements (“implants”, unusual glasses or contact lenses, funky hairstyles, cables and headsets) would also fit the general vibe.

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