The Stork Clinic

A Nordic chamber larp about hope, anxiety, judgment, and fertility


Most players will be depicting a person actively undergoing fertility treatment or the partner of that person. Players will receive more details before the game but are encouraged to read through this list of keywords for different characters and choose preferences. All characters may be depicted by players of any gender.

Dr. Cline
confident, charismatic

The head doctor and founder of the Stork Clinic

Aubrey (F, birthing parent)
sanctimonious, judgmental

Hunter (M)
religious, hopeful

Young married couple

Evan (NB, birthing parent)
stressed, quiet

Kit (F)
excited, pushy

Long-term partners and parents of 2 (also via IVF)
They use an anonymous sperm donor

Rene (F, birthing parent)
desperate, determined

Rory (M)
uneasy, understimulated

Carey (F, birthing parent)
insecure, anxious

Rene and Rory are married
Carey and Rene are best friends
Rory is Carey's sperm donor

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