The Stork Clinic

A Nordic chamber larp about hope, anxiety, judgment, and fertility


This game includes themes which may be triggering for some players, specifically infertility, miscarriage, infidelity, judgment, and deception. If there are any particular topics not listed here that you wish to avoid, discuss these with your GM before the game begins so they can ensure a safe and satisfying experience for everyone. This game does not include physical or sexual violence.

The GM serves as the safety person and they can help players align with one another if off-game calibration is needed before or after the game. Players may however leave the game at any time for any reason – player safety and well-being comes first!

During the game, players can communicate with the GM privately or opt out of a conversation at any time. Escalation of play should be slow, using bullet-time consent. Opting out is always possible with the Rule of Feet (aka, if a player feels uncomfortable, they should leave the situation) or with double-tap. Double-tap is used by tapping one’s hand twice somewhere obvious on their own body or by saying “double-tap”. When double-tap is used, the situation should be immediately de-escalated.

Expressing one’s boundaries and escalating mindfully makes play better and safer for everyone, so players are encouraged to use safewords!

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