Springwater Colony

A content larp for 30 players Nov-Dec 2025


Player well-being is more important than the larp and any player may opt out of any scene or the larp at any time. At no point should any player feel forced, coerced, or guilted into any activity they do not wish to take part in at that time and with that person. Participation in this larp comes with no obligation to do anything with anyone.

All players are responsible for treating themselves and each other with respect. Play should be escalated slowly and obviously to allow others to opt out. Players are expected not only to respect the expressed boundaries of others but also to determine, re-assess, and express their own boundaries as needed and make use of safety mechanics. Any player who disregards expressed boundaries and/or engages with other players against their wishes may be removed from the larp and further action taken depending on the severity of the infraction.

An off-game safe room and designated safety person will be available for the duration of the event and pointed out to all players before the game begins. Organizers will also be available throughout the larp and after should players need further support.

Physical intimacy is not a focus of the game, but players will decide to what level they wish to portray it. Mechanics for e.g. kissing will be demonstrated during the briefing. Sexual violence is not a part of this game.
Fighting and violence must be simulated. No unscripted deaths will take place.

To ensure player safety, alcohol will not be served during the larp. Players may bring their own alcohol to consume and are strongly advised not to over-imbibe. If a player is found to be not in control of themselves due to alcohol, they will be removed from play. If a player has concerns about the sobriety of another player, they should inform an organizer. After the game, alcohol will be available, but all other rules apply (please don't get drunk and if a player is concerned about another person's behavior, they should contact the organizers).
Other recreational substances are strictly forbidden.

Content Warnings

Death, anti-vaxxers, dementia, depression, deprivation of reproductive rights, lack of personal autonomy, and medical misconduct are all part of this larp.

Pregnancy/abortion, parenthood, murder, and drug (ab)use are part of some storylines and may be opted out of when signing up and although we cannot guarantee that players will be completely unexposed, should it come up during gameplay players may still opt out of the conversation at any time.

We don't play on

  • Real-life or player bodies/appearance, gender, sexualities, relationship styles, religion, politics, or beliefs.
    No body-shaming, homo- or transphobia, sexism or sexist remarks, prejudice against monogamy or polygamy. Additionally, while we at SIF Games are strongly pro-vaxx, this larp is not designed to espouse any particular ideology and outside of part of the opt-in debriefing, discussions about Covid, the anti-vaxxer movement, eugenics, etc. should stay at home
  • Character bodies/appearance, gender, sexualities -- no body-shaming, no homo- or transphobia, no sexism or sexist remarks

This is not a game about escaping or changing the world.

We do play on

  • Character relationship styles or slut-shaming -- characters live in a monogamous world and other behavior is looked down upon
  • Character politics or beliefs -- every character has an opinion about vaccinations, colonies, forced sterilization, and a few other things, and these are expressly designed to foster play
  • Character religious beliefs -- there is one generic religion in the game and while most people lean on it to some degree in times of trial, it is the only official form of emotional/psychological support for the patients.

This is a game about how the world treats people it sees as disposable or lower value and how people cope with that.

Signals and Safewords

There are several safety mechanics for all players to use and if for some reason a player will be unable to use either the safewords or a hand signal in a given situation, the players involved must calibrate in advance to agree on an alternative prior to beginning the scene. Off-game conversations should be kept to a minimum and in off-game spaces wherever possible.

Rule of Feet
Action: walking away either to leave the scene into an off-game space or to leave a conversation but stay in-game.

Hand signal: tap your hand twice somewhere obvious and non-intimate on your own or someone else’s body
To indicate the scene should be immediately de-escalated.

Check in
Hand signal: ok (a circle with the index finger and thumb)
To check in with another player’s comfort level. Responding with anything other than a firm thumbs up indicates another player is not ok and play must be paused to check in.

Out of game/look down
Hand signal: shade your eyes with one hand and avoid eye contact
To indicate you are out of game and should not be engaged with.

“Emergency stop”
Statement: used in case of an emergency or dangerous situation (e.g. medical emergency, fire) to stop the scene completely until it can be handled by the organizers. All players must stop what they are doing, get to safety immediately, and find an organizer.

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